Ollie’s Adventure Journal – February; Spider Cupid

Up in the sky on feathered wings, poised to strike love in everyone’s heart is our hero, Spider Cupid. This month we celebrate ground hogs and snowy days and fireplaces and love. Love can take many forms; love of parents and siblings and friends and pets and sweethearts. For Ollie there is also love of food and adventure. Let’s check in with The Daring Cupid on his mission of love.
Ahoy there, I’m up here in the fluffy clouds. Glad to see the wings work. They took us a while to get them right. I did crash into a few trees and a barn once. And mama’s tomato plants but they’ll grow back.
I can see everything from up here. I have my bow and heart arrows which have little gummy hearts on the tip so they don’t hurt anything. We put some magic potion Artemouse made on them. She says it’s a love potion. And they taste pretty good, too. Only I don’t really think it’s very nice to fire arrows at anyone so I’m just flying around up here.
Back on the ground I found some friends at Moonwater Pizza. They were gonna have mushroom pizza. I bopped them with the gummy arrow and suddenly they all loved the tuna fish mayonnaise pepperoni pizza and no one loves that.
I found my friends Ticklebit and Artemouse in the meadow arguing as usual. He’s always making fun of her because she’s short. She’s always making fun of him because he’s tall. I bopped both of them and she jumped up gave him a smooch on the cheek. He blushed and almost threw up. He gets very nervous like that.
I saw Spoon, she’s a koala, taking a nap in a tree and she asked what I was doing. I told her I was Spider Cupid with my gummy heart love arrows and feathery wings. She laughed at me so I tapped her with the arrow. She smiled and shook her head. But then she reached down and gave me a big kiss on my head. I blushed at that. She said, “the arrows aren’t as magic as you think, Olliver”. I didn’t know what that meant so off I went back home.
I saw my mamma reading in her chair. I sneaked up very quietly and bopped her with an arrow. She turned with a start and said, “my dear little bugaboo I don’t need Cupid’s arrow to love you any more than I could” and she gave me a kiss on the cheek and made me some hot cocoa with chocolates and we read my favorite pirate story together. It was a pretty good day.
I still say the gummy arrows work.