I is for the Icky Sticky Thing from Space #atozchallenge
This entry is a shortened version of the picture book The Icky Sticky Thing From Space which will be available soon on Amazon. We hope you enjoy our tale…

Ollie Bug, Spider Astronomer of Adventure stood in the Moonwater Observatory and asked the question, “Is anyone out there?” Tonight, had he stayed a little longer, Ollie would have had an answer. Someone in a ship, a little boy from another world ran out of fuel near the third planet of this system, our own Earth and soared powerless across our sky.
Alone and scared, the visitor wandered around looking for tools to fix his ship. Ollie, snoring the night away, never heard the squeaky window slide open nor did he hear the creaky rusty tool box disappearing off his nightstand.
In the morning, Ollie prepared for a day of action with a bowl of Adventure Flakes and a tall glass of orange juice. He didn’t notice the green slimy tentacle making off with his breakfast right under his big pink tomato nose! Not even the spoon was left.

Detective Ollie was on the case. Out in the meadow the daring detective followed the green slime trail around Carrot Cake Corner up past Thistleberry Hedges to a rustling just beyond. He climbed up and peeked over the top.
“Ahoy there, I’m Ollie. What’s your name?” The alien boy spoke in random tones and clicks that Ollie couldn’t understand. He thought a moment and pointed to himself and said his name, “O -l -l -i-e” . The boy repeated, “Ohhh – lee. ” “Yer, that’s me”, he said with a smile. The alien pointed to himself and said, “Sta-han- lee”. Stanley?” Ollie asked and the little boy smiled and nodded. There in Moonwater Meadow a new friendship was forged between a little spider and an alien adventure seeker. Ollie looked at the broken craft and said, “I can fix this”.

That night, the two new friends wheeled the ship to Ollie’s clubhouse in the chilly night air under the light of the moon. Through the night Ollie welded, hammered and patched in a flurry of smoke, sparks and heat. Stanley, confused, looked on but was very impressed.
In the morning, they wheeled the ship out into the field. With a thunderous sound the ground shook as the engine fired and the ship rose. There was a loud pop, the ship whizzed, fizzled and crashed into Ollie’s mom’s prized pair of pear trees.
Ollie came over, lifted a hatch and found the problem. “Here”, he said, “The internal compression flootzits came lose. No problem”.
Soon the ship was ready again. Stanley and Ollie snapped a few pictures, exchanged galactic coordinates and said their goodbyes. Ollie got very sad wondering if he’d ever see his new friend again. Full of hope, he chose to believe he would.
Hurtling through space, Stanley wondered if he’d ever see his new friend again, too. One day they would have a sleepover at his house. When he got home, his parents rushed out and gave him such a big hug that he almost passed out. “We were so worried! Are you okay? Where were you? Why does your ship have wheels?” His parents asked a zillion questions. Stanley smiled his little boy melty heart smile and said, “Momma, poppa, I’m hungry. Let me tell you all about my new friend, Ollie…”
On some adventures you discover new things and see new places. On the best adventures you make a new friend. Is anybody out there? Does anybody care? Ollie and Stanley found their answer and it’s quite simple,

“My dear friend lives out there and a friend is a friend, from beginning to end…”
- Thank you for visiting with me and my friends. I answer all comments so please subscribe now to never miss an adventure! If you’d like something from the guy who writes my stories, please visit his blog about all kinds of things humorous and observational at Author Tom Serafini’s Adventure Blog You can also find us on Facebook, Instagram Twitter