H is for (big game ) Hunter #atozchallenge

Deep in the tundra Ollie Bug, Spider of Adventure, stalks his unsuspecting prey. The big game hunter creeps through the brush in the humid silence to capture prize for his walls. Winner of the best shot gets a year subscription to Jelly of the Month club and a new propeller beanie and Ollie loves his jellies and beanies.
Ollie hears a noise and creeps forward. Through the brush he sees it, the Giant Dooflephant. He raises his camera composes the shot. Ollie must be very quiet. If they hear him they usually assume very silly poses. Almost there. Focus, compose, focus. He steps on a branch with a an almost imperceptible crack as he takes his shot, click.
Ollie may not have won the grand prize of jellies and a beanies. But he did with the award for “Best Picture of a Dooflephant Posing In A Tutu”.
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