FAWT powered hot air balloon fail…Entry March 22, 2016
You may remember from a previous entry the advent of FAWT power, the Moonwater Meadow gang solved an important fuel problem. Conventional fuels were prohibited by parental edict so Ollie, Ticklebit, Bearly There Bear and Clownly Clown Bear, Spoon and Artemouse needed an alternative. The discovery was made when one of the Bear brothers released a sonically disruptive, aromatically significant propellant after a lunch break of one too many burritos. Not long after, Ollie had the idea to harness FAWT power to fuel the furnace for hot air balloons.
A harness was made for the balloon basket and a tray of burritos was furnished for Bearly There Bear who proved to be the most flatulent of the bunch. A pair of Fuel Conversion shorts were fitted for him and he took his place next to Ollie in the basket.
After Bearly There was fueled up the fuel converter began to function. Ollie put on his goggles and boarded the balloon. All systems were go. That is, however, until the small leak in the conversion shorts was discovered rendering the air around ship and crew unbreathable. The test was considered a failure pending the invention of the Burrito FAWT air filtration system which may or may not take the form of a common house fan.
More on this as it develops.