F is for Flatulence #atozchallenge

It’s not easy being a superhero. You can’t prowl the city looking for crimes to solve when you live with your mamma, when its a school night and when your costume is still in the laundry. It’s difficult if you’re a spider superhero because you always get compared to that other guy with spider powers. Your friends always recognize you and never take you seriously because they think your costume is really your pajamas.
For Ollie Bug, being a superhero is especially difficult when your natural inborn web shooter doubles as a flatulence notification device. It’s very hard to sneak up on wrong-doers when you’re arrival is heralded with a sound some mistake for a rip in the fabric of space-time. How can you get the jump on crime when every time you swoop in you do so with a loud, “BRRRAAAAAAAP”. It’s very hard to look heroic and imposing when the suspects are doubled over in laughter.
Ollie doesn’t mind. Ollie thinks his superhero spider flatulence is funny, too. When your city is a meadow and your crime is a bunch of your friends sneaking the last slice of pizza there’s nothing like a loud bug fart to stop everyone in their tracks.
Such is the life of the hero.
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