B is for Bathtime, Bedtime, Books and Butterflies #atozchallenge

On any summer day in Moonwater Meadow you can find Ollie with his friends. Today he’s chasing butterflies. He doesn’t use a net, he just runs around with them. Sometimes they get tired and they sit together on a hill under a tree. The smell the flowers and Ollie sometimes eats the flowers because they taste as good as they look. Sometimes they nap together under the warmth of the sun.
After a rousing day of butterfly adventuring Ollie comes home for dinner and a hot bath before bed. Ollie likes to sit in the suds and play sea captain or aquatic adventurer. He often wonders why he isn’t allowed to bring fish in the tub. Then he realizes if the fish live there he’d have to bathe in the sink and that’s no fun.
After his bath, Ollie towels off, puts his pajamas on and hops into bed. He likes to pretend the blankets and fluffy pillows are a mountain range and he’s a daring mountain explorer seeking mysterious caves and hidden dragon lairs. Before he settles down for the night Ollie opens the window just a bit. Just enough for the butterflies to squeeze through. He sets a glass on the nightstand with a bunch of little straws and pulls out a book because butterflies like a drink of water, a cuddle and bedtime stories, too.
Sometimes the story is there is no story. Just a happy day with friends, a bath and fluffy blankies. And really, shouldn’t there be more stories like this?