About Ollie
About the dashing Oliver Bug
Ollie is a five-legged spider who lives in a faraway place called Moonwater Meadow.
There are hills and fields, oceans and beaches and all sorts of creatures great and small. There’s a clubhouse in a tree, castles in the mountains and a fire-sneezing dragon who makes an occasional appearance.
The Meadow is home to Moonwater Pizza and Calzone. It’s a place where friends gather under the lights of a stout old tree for pizza, fun and companionship. It’s that place you go where there’s always a light on and a friend is always around.
Ollie and his friends dream of (and carry out) daring adventures, inventing impossible things and just enjoying a beautiful day with friends.
Actually, Ollie is an extension of every child and every adult. He’s that part of you who dwells on the magic of an ideal childhood. A childhood filled with hope, happiness and adventure without all the strife and pressure of adulthood.
Ollie is not just a children’s book character nor is he simply for children. He’s the piece of you that may have been forgotten or just hidden away on the journey to adulthood. He and his world are for everyone who long for those magical days when everything seemed so much simpler and hopefully happier.
With Ollie’s posts and stories it is my hope that you find something of the childhood you miss or always wanted.
Ollie is also quite a character. he’s a fan of classic sci-fi, comics and movies. He can often be seen roaming about the Meadow in his favorite costume.
Luckily, I was able to get a few pictures…